Friday, December 18, 2009


This has been the first entry in the Blue Dusk journal from Janelle LaBlanc. So many crisp white pages to litter with letters! "What is more magnificent than stately trees with their roots clutching the depths of the Earth as their branches reach for the heavens?" Meghan Kennedy. Trees have been my companions for so much of my life that I can't imagine living in a treeless place. In fact, while driving along a road with trees in the far distance I get the dizzying sensation that I am going to tumble off the shoulder because there are no trees to hold me. Some trees have become old and trusted friends... we share our secrets. I have even come to believe that trees have dreams. Some want to build houses. Some want to warm houses. Some just want to be left alone. I once heard a song about a tree that didn't want to be turned into lumber. "I'd rather be a Louisville Slugger." You know and trees know there are still wood bats.
Now it's time for Christmas trees. Some are still cut down and carried into houses to be adorned in festive fashion. Some people celebrate around a plastic tree. Some decorate living trees. There is a deciduous tree near the A-frame decorated with red and black ribbons cut in short lengths and tied to the branches. There is one for every day that passed until M.S. was arrested for murdering Brandon. There is also a garland of tarnished stars, several plastic icicles and a selection of once colorful balls. Also hanging on that chosen tree is a snow bell. I think it rings on windy nights. I believe the owls are startled by it's chime. I think it rings by day, too. I believe that songbirds gather there to compare notes.
Rupa Mayra is a young physician-singer-musician-human rights activist. Her albums "Extraordinary Rendition" and "Este Mundo" are getting a lot of attention. Of illegal (?) immigrants she says, "Some people are really upset and angry with me for championing the rights of the people who support and sustain our society."
Last night I watched a movie entitled "Strangers in Good Company". When the bus breaks down and the young black female driver is injured seven elder women demonstrate their resourcefulness and open their hearts to one another. The group consists of a nun, a former belly dancer, a hypochondriac, a lesbian, a Mohawk, one hiding from her age and another recovering from a devastating stroke. They are upon a voyage of supreme personal discovery. The bus driver is blessed to be in their midst and she soon comes to recognize that, too.

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