Sunday, June 27, 2010


Before I finished my two loads of laundry I walked to the hospital. My friend Marlene S had been hospitalized on Tuesday! Her daughter had left a message and invited me to visit her mother. Marlene told me she was being released after lunch. Her heart will not let her climb to my flat so I said we'd meet at ground level in a few days.
My friend Karl is asking for prayers. He will have reconstructive back surgery this week. He once told me a story of how he was running at night and was attacked by an owl! He gave me my first drum. It was a dream drum. Yes, I'd been dreaming of a drum coming to me from far away, just a drum... and no beater. At last it arrived... without a beater. I carried that drum for several years and then one day the head split beyond repair. I put it in a velvet bag and carried it into the woods. I hung it on a tree to wait. I didn't know what I was waiting for and I often visited the drum.

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