Saturday, September 19, 2009


I spent friday with Cedar who has come to realize that stones have names. So we went in search of schist. We also found feldspar, quarts and chert. When Justice got home I left him in charge and drove to Crystal Lake. No one was at the cabin so I sat on the pontoon reading. When it got too dark to see I drove to Dar's. We watched two deer come down to the lake for an evening drink as the sun set behind the dark island. The water shimmered with gold and rose. Soon Ann and Kitty arrived and we all enjoyed a fantastic supper. There was much chatter and laughter. Back at the cabin I tucked myself into the lower bunk and was soon asleep. In the morning we had some terrific coffee, eggo waffles and cranberry jam. Then Dar drove us to Nelson Lake for the mushroom hike. There were at least 20 people there. Some that I'd joined on other hikes. It was only 1.4 miles around the lake but it took 2 hours as we made slow progress. We nibbled on wild blackberries and chokecherries which we found along the way. Dar and I were blessed with the find of the day, chicken of the forest. I told Maureen Whalen we would meet again at the hike for hope event in October. When we got back to Ann's I cleaned and diced the mushroom, sauteed it in olive oil and we all enjoyed it very much. We had about 3 T left to add to supper.

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