Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I've been packing and carrying boxes to garage. When I get a mover I want large items ready to go. I can collect smaller stuff with the car. Cedar and I can carry them. Then we'll go to Shelly's for an ice cream. "Always look for the silver lining behind every cloud and try to find the little rainbows waiting in the stormy sky."
Cedar wore the moon crown and waited for the moon rise so we could dance together. But she fell asleep and had to be carried home. By then the moon was up but she was down. Afterwards I wondered if she thought I was going to dance like Michael Jackson. Wouldn't that be a show!
I am totally approved for subsidized housing and my move in date is May 1st. The county will pay my first month rent. My new address is Apt 8. I have created a sacred space here and I will revisit it often. However, I go forth to create a new kind of sacred space in another location. I'm excited at this opportunity to expand.
Yesterday I received from Netflix "Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove: Readings from Voices of a People's History". Last night I watched it and when Zinn was introduced I gasped to find him so alive. I was in Minneapolis when he died. At the devastating new I thought of a fragment of an old poem, "A night without crickets! Oh, God! How shall we endure?" Somehow that expressed my deep sense of loss. But upon hearing the voices I realized that he is still very much present in the ideals, integrity and hope that he left for us. This great lover of life, this humanitarian, this gentle person of peace.
Cedar is frustrated because she still can't ride her bike. Today I took her to the cemetery to ride on the tar. Then I picked a bag of pine cones and she gathered discarded flowers for Fiona (the pig)'s grave. Then one of her training wheels fell off and she rolled over. We went home ready to try again tomorrow.


  1. The moon was absolutely gorgeous coming up between the downtown skyscrapers last night with the setting sun glowing on their glass walls. I like it that we see the same moon.

  2. Yes, it's a wonderful moon to share all around the world.
