Friday, October 8, 2010


Oct 6. There's a cabbage shortage in Korea so some one can make a bit of money selling their surplus coveted heads.
May S had a fit of weeping on Monday "because the person it (World of Light) makes so vivid, the essence of what my life is all about, made me wildly hungry and desperate, for I have not been that person all summer. And shall I ever again?"
Gladys T reminds us, "Every season has its own glory..."
Ann O'Shaughnessy write that real art revealed, expressed and received "can be a powerful act of love."
The tall trees beyond the window are nearly leafless. Every breeze plucks a few more off the branches. They scatter below and have covered the lawn with tarnished gold.
On this delicious day I walked to the Bookmobile and checked it out. Terrific selection! I carried three movies and two books back to the flat.
Cedar lost my denim hat at school. It was hat day in first grade and I didn't want her to be out of uniform. I called the school about recovering it and I am afraid an inquisition has begun.
Oct 7. I began and completed reading "Strange Fruit, Billie Holiday Cafe Society and an early cry for civil rights". Now I wonder where I can find all the words as I think it has been whittled down to fit neatly into US political history.
May S had been out visiting and came home with "a little bottle of nasturtium vinegar". I never heard of this before. I will seek a recipe.
Gladys T found "The air is cool as an old coin teaspoon, and a faint tang of blue wood smoke spices the wind."
Spent about 1.5 hours at clinic with podiatrist. After 12 x-rays I was advised on how to improve my condition. Tomorrow I will see someone in physical therapy to be fitted for braces.
Afterwards I met Wallis at the Civic Center in GR.
A note on the mailbox said Fed-Ex had brought a package but could not leave it. Randy said he'd sign for it tomorrow.
Oct 8. May S was feeling dreary today in 1982. "A dismal rain, but it is fitting perhaps, as I am feeling emptied out and gloomy, filled with dismay at my ups and downs..." She felt constantly pulled in several directions by the needs of others. I too have left my Self behind hungry and neglected while I try to spread my energy around to others. Then something happens and I must care for my Self almost exclusively. The Self is nurtured, petted and allowed to rest and heal and be restored... for a while.
Gladys T is still enjoying autumn. "The color of the great sugar maples is so dazzling it seems I must have dreamed it."
The new laptop came today! Hooray! It is a wonderful instrument.
The denim hat has been returned.
Returned to clinic to have molds made so I can be fitted into braces for ankles. They won't fix me but will/may allow me to walk without pain. They will be ready in three weeks. I think dancing may be difficult.

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