Sunday, October 10, 2010


I remember Merle Haggard singing about an old couple. He said they grew more fearful as they aged. I find elder hood is a time for courage. Someone said growing old is not for sissies. I feel I am becoming a new kind of warrior! One who cannot rely on strength and speed and physical grace.
May S wrote in her journal, "I don't know how I have managed to keep at this journal, a minor kind of creation, but I have...". And so have I!
Of her garden Gladys T had this to say, "...we appreciate more the few leftovers in the garden than we do the riotous plenty of summer."
Here beside the open window I sit and listen to small bird voices as they chip away the darkness and make way for the light.
Met three of my kids and two grands plus Charlie's girlfriend Chrissy and her two children for breakfast at the VFW. It was a fund raiser for the girl's volleyball team. We put $45 in the pot. I got a couple of raffle tickets and won a t-shirt.
Wallis and I went to GR for groceries. When I got home I found a bag of four small bath towels hanging on the door. Gloria put them there. I have a terry cloth robe that always feels too short. I think I can sew two of the towels to the robe and make it long enough.
I got facebook news from Mary H. She camped near Gordon WI this summer. and met some people we know. We used to live in Gordon many years ago. I told her that I found several unmarked graves in the woods. They were outlined with huge clam shells. They were indigenous graves from long ago. I'd forgotten about that until Mary joggled my memory.

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