Aug 25. Cedar spent the night and woke up early. Too early for me. We talked about fairies and explored many issues that must confront such wee ones. Then we slept again and woke up late. We had a quick breakfast and then we were off to Wallis' to get Marcellus. She had a medical appointment in GR so I entertained the two children... or did they entertain me? First we went to the small playground. After an our we went to King's Court so they could play on the big stuff. Cedar was able to cross the hand over hand hangers without falling off. It was her first time! Then she did it three more times. Hooray! After that we went to the store and got stuff for lunch and came to the flat to eat. They played with my puppy collection. I saw it was time to return Marcellus but we had to stop at a Church rummage on the way. When we finally got there Wallis was sitting outside because I had her key! She decided to rummage, too. So away we went! I got Cedar and Marc each a real basketball for being good kids. They were @$1.
Aug 26. I was awakened by a dream. I'd received a post card from the other side. The image was a collection of portraits from the life of my cousin Chuck Robertson. Each picture was the size of a postage stamp. I saw Chuck in can and gown, his Air Force uniform, a family sitting with Gaye and the two boys, and one of his mother, Fanny. In the center was a square filled with gold leaf. there was writing on the back but no stamp. I don't remember what the message was but I do recall a small broken circle in the upper right corner. the paper was glossy and smooth on that side and picture side was matte. As I wondered why Chuck would write to me I began to experience discomfort in my chest. Not pain but a feeling of fullness. So I got up and sat in the rocker. The window was full of moonlight. As I considered the dream more closely I realized that three of the portraits were less focused and the one of Fanny was more sharp. I saw her bright eyes and happy smile. Perhaps he was showing me the gold of his earth journey and the vital role his mother played. I remembered how pleased cousin Chuck had been when I named one of my children after him. I have a photo over my pc that includes Chuck, my sister, my mother and myself. It was taken in front of my maternal grandparent's house at Redby. Chuck is eating an orange.
Still in a struggle to remove 35 ink spots from the carpets. I'll keep working on reducing them before Dale sees them. He'll be up here on the 1st to collect rent. But at the moment I am sitting in the midst of the dancing rainbows as the window crystals turn and spin in the breeze.
I washed Cinnamon's car blanket today. I still keep his collar and leash in the trunk of the car. It takes a long time to say good bye to such a true and loyal friend. I'm going to sew up the blanket as it is quite ragged.
Today Cedar and I went to Cenex so she could vacuum the car. She had a ball. Laura F arrived from Florida today. Annie brought her over for a visit. After they left Peg G came knocking. We had a lovely visit and she gave me a story stone from Annie Ned Creek in Alaska.
Aug 27. Peg also left other gifts: home made cookies, tea bags and a book by Velma Wallis, "Raising Ourselves".
Last night I watched the movie "Australia". It told a bit of how half caste children called Creamies were taken from their aboriginal mothers. In this story the Catholics provided homes for them on Mission Island. In the end a caption explained that this is no longer the case. Apparently child abduction became illegal in 1973. The gov. of Australia has now apologized for their misconduct. I was going to get the sewing machine out when the phone rang. It was Marlene S. We talked for an hour. I had not cooled my ear when the phone rang again. It was Wallis. After our goodbye the phone was screaming again. It was Angeline from France. She's going to Greece and asked if I'd been a good girl. I said, "I'd like to be bad but I don't know how." So she promised, "A good girl will get a gift from Greece." Then I played my Ella Fitzgerald collection. Wow! She is so smooth.
I saw Austraila to. It really was a lovely movie. The little boy was so adorable. And H. Jackman was cute too!