Tuesday, March 16, 2010


3-13-10. Last night Yeung took us to a Japanese Restaurant for a delicious supper and then drove us to see the Eiffel Tower at night when it lights up and sparkles for five minutes every hour. It was beautiful. We paid our respects to Mr Eiffel and his great glittering lady paid her respects to us. Yeung purchased some souvenirs for us and Angeline photographed the stars in my eyes. Back at the flat Yeung prepared a a supremely delicious mug of hot chocolate.
Beth, I have opened your journal here in Paris. Since I left home in Nov. I have received 3 more journals. I am going to wear my pants from Nepal today, the ones Helene gave me.

3-14-10. Good morning Paris! I hear voices and the taping of spoons on china. I dreamed that someone was at the door and the black woman who played in "Gone With the Wind" went to the door very quickly. So quickly she created a draft and I could hear the rustle of her red taffeta petticoat. She opened the door and shouted, "Miss Scarlet. Mr Rhett Butler is here!" I was amazed and so surprised that I opened my eyes before he could enter the room. When I told Angeline that Rhett Butler had called on us she was ever so pleased. After breakfast, a shower and shampoo we planned our visit of thee Paree. Veronique walked us to the Nogent station where we purchased all-day tickets to ride the metro. We went to the Arc de Triomphe and took the elevator to the top. It was a great overview of the city center. I got postcards. Then we went to the Eiffel Tower where I found the red beret I had been looking for. From there to Napoleon's tomb. Then to opera to meet Laura. When Laura came we walked her friend Annie to the taxi so she could catch a plane to London. At the corner I looked up and saw Elvis! He stood above the street at the piano bar called The American Dream. I made a quick poem to honor the event. "Those who complain of pain in knee, Will not see Elvis in Paree."
When we returned to the Nogent station Yeung and Veronique were waiting. We walked slowly back to the apt. Me because my knees hurt and Yeung because he'd been playing soccer and taken a painful fall. Yeung who is now my king of hot chocolate made his famous brew for Laura and me. Later we had a wonderful supper for 8: Angeline, Laura, Yeung. Veronique, Matthew, Frank, Titi and me.
It was election day and the socialists got 30% of the vote. Also singer Jean Farrat died. He sang songs about nature and social issues.

3-15-10. Today promises a clear sky with sun over Paris which we will enjoy briefly. This morning I will not clean my hair but carry the dust of Paris back to Florida. Breakfast done and last minute details complete. Angeline and Veronique will go to the plane by train and Yeung will take Laura and me in the car. When Angeline and I embrace she thinks I will cry so she says, "We're both big girls, aren't we?" I say, "No, we are the two little darlings." But I weep anyway.
At the terminal Laura and I buy sweets to carry home with us. We go to our gate for a sit and talk about racism and education. Yes, we wonder how do we help so many lost young people find their way in such as a world as has been created. With so many negative forces pushing them along how do they find a peaceful harbor. As we recross the Atlantic we watch movies. "Blind Side" was a good feeling family drama that brought tears to my eyes several times. It reminded me of Brandon my gentle giant. We used to watch him smile at his wrestling opponent before picking him up, throwing him down and pinning him to the floor. Then he'd smile again and pick the fellow up. I guess he was a lot like "Ferdinand the Bull", too.
We arrived at Atlanta GA to find our plane late and our gate changed 3 times while we waited. Life is moving pretty fast around us while we have been brought to a stop. I wonder if Angeline's house feels empty with no "little darling" sitting by the fire writing in her book.

3-16-10. I was awake by 4AM and up reorganizing my travel bags which will be more full than when I came. As morning kisses the undersides of the violet clouds I turn to Keats and read a sonnet that was probably written for Fanny Brawne which begins: "Bright star, would I as steadfast as thou art." This beautiful journal from Beth W has watercolor images on every page and poems on many.
6AM. Here comes the rosy dawn with lacy queen palm and her steadfast giant pine companion still black in shadows. On the deck I find several pages of bark upon which to write notes. As I sit in the bamboo chair I feel myself being healed. the sun light is filtered through the swaying palm leaves. The shadows and light play over me like gentle fingers restoring my worn out cells. The dreamlike quality of her morning dance soothes my spirit and offers me a restful blessing in those deep untouched places that we hardly know are with us.

1 comment:

  1. Love the dream of Rhett! Who killed RHETT BUTLER? No one has written it until now: www.deathofrhett.blogspot.com
