Thursday, January 28, 2010


Howard Zinn, the people's historian, academic, hero, national treasure, acclaimed author, political activist and world warrior is dead at 87. "When action has been called for, one could always be confident that he would be on the front lines, an example and trustworthy guide." Noam Chomsky. Zinn urged his students to "relinquish the safety of silence, (be) more prepared to speak up, to act against injustice..."
"In a recent Bill Moyers interview Zinn said, "Democracy doesn't come from the top. It comes from the bottom. Democracy is not what governments do. It's what people do." More from Zinn, "I wish Obama would listen to MLK Jr." Susan B Anthony, "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God."
Today I was invited to join some old friends and some new friends for a tour of "From Our Ancestors; Art of the White Clay People", an exhibit at the Mpls Institute of Arts. It was a wonderful journey into another time and another culture. Then we gathered at the Uptown Diner to meet Beth W and Cash L for lunch. In honor of Robert Burns we all sang "Happy Birthday". Then I read "The Winter of Life"; Beth read "A Man's a Man"; Patty K sang a verse and a chorus of "Annie Laurie". After much good food and fantastic conversation and the departure of half of our group the remaining 6 stood and sang "Auld Lang Syne". It was a supremely lovely day.
Mary O, "As the world changes from the long winter into spring and everything takes on a freshness and a spiritual meaning, just so poetry can quicken, enliven the interior of the listener."
Dear Howard, we will miss you on the march toward a better world for all but I salute your steadfastness and your courage in the struggle for peace, truth, justice and dignity.

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