Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Several days ago I dug up the last of the garden carrots. Cedar and I are eating them raw. We share them with Bella the horse and Theona the piggety-pig. Theona gets the greatest share because she rewards our generosity with grateful enthusiasm and puts on a big-pig-show when she sees carrots. Her eyes sparkle with ecstasy, she shows her teeth in a piggish smile, dances on her dainty pink hooves, whips her uncurled tail excitedly and becomes utterly irresistible.
Prior to living here in The Red Shed I rented a house in Ball Club. The area was called "The Last Village". It seemed I'd chosen to live in an obscure community on the edge of civilization. It was there I began to write a journal entitled "Voices From The Last Village". I'd moved from White Earth in two convoys. The friends I left behind have not been forgotten. Nearly every day brings pleasant memories of spontaneous tea parties with Marian, jig-saw puzzles with Sis, long walks with Betty, Yoga with Joyce, and free elder day dinners at the Shooting Star Casino with Myrna. Here in Deer River I have no social life and no friends. I often feel isolated and alone. Therefore, I must purposely seek and find ways to enrich my life. I open myself daily to the possibility of finding joy. Mae Sarton wrote that she "felt pulled down, buried under tons" of expectations. But she had a "rare friendship" with Janice. "We were able to give each other, in a very easy way, all that has been happening to us inwardly and outwardly. It was good to have someone to share some of my experiences..." Thank you for reading this blog and sharing my inward and outward experiences.

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